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  • 2020-03-12 23:54


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山村木匠醉心绘画 电池品控或成电动车展开最大考验 又在田间地头指导实践操作 烧荒烧炭等野外农事用火的;(3)经批准野外农事用火 灵武为全市小区实行生活必需品集中配送




Post-publication activity

Curator: Alain Chenciner


0.14 -

Alessandra Celletti

0.10 -

Nai-Chia Chen

0.10 -

Eugene M. Izhikevich

0.10 -

Serguei A. Mokhov

0.10 -

Nick Orbeck

0.05 -

Richard Montgomery

0.05 -

Jacques Féjoz

0.05 -

Benjamin Bronner

Richard Moeckel

The problem is to determine the possible motions of three point masses \(m_1\ ,\) \(m_2\ ,\) and \(m_3\ ,\) which attract each other according to Newton's law of inverse squares. It started with the perturbative studies of Newton himself on the inequalities of the lunar motion[1]. In the 1740s it was constituted as the search for solutions (or at least approximate solutions) of a system of ordinary differential equations by the works of Euler, Clairaut and d'Alembert (with in particular the explanation by Clairaut of the motion of the lunar apogee). Much developed by Lagrange, Laplace and their followers, the mathematical theory entered a new era at the end of the 19th century with the works of Poincaré and since the 1950s with the development of computers. While the two-body problem is integrable and its solutions completely understood (see [2],[AKN],[Al],[BP]), solutions of the three-body problem may be of an arbitrary complexity and are very far from being completely understood.



The following form of the equations of motion, using a force function \(U\) (opposite of potential energy), goes back to Lagrange, who initiated the general study of the problem: if \(\vec r_i\) is the position of body \(i\) in the Euclidean space \(E\equiv\R^p\) (scalar product \(\langle,\rangle\ ,\) norm \(||.||\)), \[m_i{d^2\vec r_i\over dt^2}=\sum_{j\not=i}{m_im_j}\frac{\vec r_j-\vec r_i}{||\vec r_j-\vec r_i||^3}=\frac{\partial U}{\partial\vec r_i},\; i=1,2,3,\;\hbox{where}\; U=\sum_{i<j}\frac{m_im_j}{||\vec r_j-\vec r_i||}\cdot\] Endowing the configuration space \(\hat{\mathcal X}=\{x=(\vec r_1,\vec r_2,\vec r_3)\in E^3,\; \vec r_i\not=\vec r_j\;\hbox{if}\; i\not=j\}\) (or rather its closure \({\mathcal X}\)) with the mass scalar product \[x'\cdot x''=\sum_{i=1}^3{m_i\langle\vec r'_i,\vec r''_i\rangle}\] we can write them \[{d^2 x\over dt^2}=\nabla U(x),\] where the gradient is taken with respect to this scalar product. In the phase space \(T^*\hat{\mathcal X}\equiv\hat{\mathcal X}\times{\mathcal X}\ ,\) that is the set of pairs \((x,y)\) representing the positions and velocities (or momenta) of the three bodies, the equations take the Hamiltonian form (where \(|y|^2=y\cdot y\)): \[{dx\over dt}={\partial H\over\partial y},\quad {dy\over dt}=-{\partial H\over \partial x}, \quad\hbox{where}\quad H(x,y)={1\over 2}|y|^2-U(x).\]

Symmetries, first integrals

The equations are invariant under time translations, Galilean boosts and space isometries. This implies the conservation of

the total energy \(H\ ,\)

the linear momentum \(P=\sum_{i=1}^3m_i\frac{d\vec r_i}{dt}\) (by an appropriate choice of a Galilean frame one can suppose that \(P=0\) and that the center of mass is at the origin),

the angular momentum bivector \(C=\sum_{i=1}^3{m_i\vec r_i\wedge\frac{d\vec r_i}{dt}}\) (identified with a real number if \(p=2\) and with a vector if \(p=3\)).

If the motion takes place on a fixed line, \(C=0\ ;\) on the other hand, if \(C=0\ ,\) the motion takes place in a fixed plane (Dziobek).

The reduction of symmetries was first accomplished by Lagrange in his great 1772 Essai sur le problème des trois corps, where the evolution of mutual distances in the spatial problem is seen to be ruled by a system of order 7.

Finally, the homogeneity of the potential implies a scaling invariance:

if \(x(t)\) is a solution, so is \(x_\lambda(t)=\lambda^{-\frac{2}{3}}x(\lambda t)\) for any \(\lambda>0\ .\) Moreover \(H(x_\lambda(t))=\lambda^{\frac{2}{3}}H(x(t))\) and

\[C(x_\lambda(t))=\lambda^{-\frac{1}{3}}C(x(t))\ ;\] it follows that \(\sqrt{|H|}C\) is invariant under scaling:

\[\sqrt{|H|}C(x_\lambda(t))=\sqrt{|H|}C(x(t))\ .\] Homographic solutions

A configuration \(x=(\vec r_1,\vec r_2,\vec r _3)\) is called a central configuration if it collapses homothetically on its center of mass \(\vec r_G\ ,\) defined by \(\vec r_G={1\over M}\sum{m_i\vec r_i}\) (here \(M=\sum m_i\)) when released without initial velocities (such a motion is called homothetic)

This means that there exists \(\lambda <0\) such that \(\sum_jm_j\frac{\vec r_j-\vec r_i}{||\vec r_j-\vec r_i||^3}=\lambda(\vec r_i-\vec r_G)\) for \(i=1,2,3\ ,\) which is equivalent to \(\sum_jm_j\left(\frac{1}{r_{ij}^3}+\frac{\lambda}{M}\right)(\vec r_j-\vec r_i)=0\ ,\) where \(r_{ij}=||\vec r_j-\vec r_i||\ .\) For non collinear configurations, the two vectors \(\vec r_j-\vec r_i,\, j\ne i\) are linearly independent and so the coefficients in the last sum must vanish. It follows that \(x^0\) must be equilateral, a result first proved by Lagrange in his 1772 memoir. Collinear central configurations of three bodies were already known to Euler in 1763: the ratio of the distances of the midpoint to the extremes is the unique real solution of an equation of the fifth degree whose coefficients depend on the masses.



表演里面有生活的烟火气 车主获刑!这起电动车火灾致3死6伤 直接损失398万 Galaxy Z Flip将采用6.7英寸的Dynamic AMOLED屏幕 比亚迪e1开启预定并推限量款 西安一男子街头追打3名交警 医院诊断他处于兴奋躁动状态 海口电动车上牌何时重启 回复:新系统正在组织编制中 将传统苏绣、旗袍等元素引入服装设计 国网东北分部和丰满电厂密切配合 写在成贵高铁通车之际 大学生“羊倌”关文君 速看!福建生物工程职业技术学院招聘工作人员7名 我们一定能够打赢疫情防控阻击战 大家最关怀的新国标电动车问题,答案都在这儿了 欢迎访问环境科学编辑部网站! 我省697.27万农民工外出返岗 官宣!英德首个电动摩托车牌号降生!电动车上牌流程攻略在这里...... 上门维修后发现非正规品牌维修企业 全面禁售超标电动车!新国标15日实施!原有电动车怎样办?交警回应 雖然當前國內外環境和形勢嚴峻復雜 为进一步落实公共交通工具的防控措施












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